Fecha: 21 de mar. 2005
Sección: Otras imágenes
Información publicada por: A.M.Canto
Mostrado 2.973 veces.

Ortega y Gasset 5

Otra imagen muy cercana del eminente filósofo liberal, definido así por Eugene W. Plawiuk en 1998:

"Philosopher of Revolution
Jose Ortega y Gasset is probably one of the best known Humanist philosophers even in the English speaking world. Revolt of the Masses [La Revolución de las Masas], was written during the early uprisings which led to the Spanish Civil War. This work predicted that increasingly authoritarian regimes would lead to revolution that would either succeed or end in the tragedy of fascism.He was a supporter of the Republic against the Monarchy and the Fascists."

Fuente: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/9820/ortega.html

© http://www.phenomenologycenter.org/images/gasset.jpg

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