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Solicitud de actuación a Naciones Unidas

Desde el Dpto Paleontologia del MNCN, profesores universitarios conocedores de la zona que quieren inundar, coordinan contactos con Naciones Unidas. Si las obras de Castrovido continuan, se irán tomando posiciones a nivel internacional. Esto sólo es el principio.

Dear Sirs:
> >I've received an urgent call from people living in the Arlanza Valley
(Burgos, Spain), were a dam is in construction (Castrovido Dam) in spite of
an opposite environmental advise, and without enough previous impact studies.
>In 2000, the World Comission on Dams write already a negative report about
this dam ().
>However, the promotors ignore it and got a recent licence from the anterior
Spanish Government. The new Government announce the revision of the project,
and that announce was inmediately followed by the rapid starting of the dam,
urgent works and forest destruction.
> >Please, let us know if United Nations Environmental Programme may exercise
some actions, in order to preserve the international legal and environmental
> >Yours sincerely

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Salvemos el Arlanza

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